Pieces of a Woman
Pieces of a Woman
Canada, Hungary, United States of America, 2020, 126 min
Filme / Drama
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Director:Kornél Mundruczó
Stars:Vanessa Kirby, Shia LaBeouf, Ellen Burstyn, Iliza Shlesinger, Benny Safdie, Sarah Snook, Molly Parker, Steven McCarthy, Tyrone Benskin, Frank Schorpion, Harry Standjofski, Domenic Di Rosa, Jimmie Fails, Juliette Casagrande, Gayle Garfinkle, Vanessa Smythe, Nick Walker, Sean Tucker, Alain Dahan, Joelle Jérémie, Leisa Reid
Production:Bron Studios, Little Lamb Productions, Creative Wealth Media Finance, Proton Cinema, Sikelia Productions, Post Office Films
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